Help Us Help Children!
We connect people with volunteerism, fundraising and membership opportunities to make lasting impressions on the lives of underserved children. Or join our mailing list to stay in touch with all things Kiwanis Asbury Park.

Do you want to add something rewarding to your day? Join Kiwanis of AP where members are passionate about improving the lives of children. See New Member Form. Review who we we are, what we do and how you can help overview.

While we are always looking for members, volunteers are AWESOME too! We need helping hands at many events. We will take whatever time you can offer. Review who we we are, what we do how you can help overview.

Not ready to become a member or volunteer? That's OK. Join our mailing list. We'll stay in touch and keep you posted on all we are doing for the Asbury Park underserved youth. We thank all interest in serving our at-risk youth.